A wedding in Autumn Last autumn we did a really great, stylish wedding in the Cerdanya. Autumn is a really great season for weddings. There are a lot of original … [Read more]
Original Wedding Ideas
A country wedding tent with colors brown
In the area of Lleida, a wedding in nature with a tent between wheat fields. The space where we put the tents, there were no house near, all were fields … [Read more]
We remember 2014 with the most outstanding images.
One year, with 365 days, lead to many events, weddings, parties, openings and christenings with tents. So we wanted to rescue those images from 2014 to remember some of our … [Read more]
In the new florist Luzio Centers Christmas
In our post today, we want to tell you a few days ago was opened in Luzio shop, a florist who leads Martta Barceló, where you can find variety of … [Read more]
Are you a bride? Did you see us in Vogue Novias magazine?
Thanks Vogue novias get us in your magazine! Already have for sale, the new issue of Vogue Brides fall / winter 2014-2015 proposals for catering, locations, travel, beauty, flowers, invitations, costumes, … [Read more]
A wedding with tents color and point light table.
One of the wedding in September. It was mounted beige tents joined together. The couple wanted to put flooring throughout the tent so that there is no moisture in the … [Read more]
A sunset wedding with tent
A wedding at noon in the Empordà, that for a moment you think you’re in the movie Out of Africa with Merly Streep and Robert Redford. From the trees hung … [Read more]
Christmas in the Big Apple: “New York”
New York City has a special charm and a host of ideas which will be used as an inspiration for events and weddings next year. In every corner of the … [Read more]
BC Carpas in Vogue Brides
BC Carpas in the new edition of the magazine; Vogue Brides. The photos are of a tent in ecru and a tent in beige.
Be our Fan on Facebook

Facebook has already release the new page for businesses; we would like to celebrate it with you joining it as a member of our page on Facebook, where ever you … [Read more]